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IT/Software solution

We creates world-class technology solutions for websites software, GIS and online business customers. We use innovative engagement and process models that are custom-designed to meet client-specific needs and effective cast. Our confidence and capacity provides you the best Information Technology solutions to make your business successful.

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State-of-the-art software and hardware, Innovative Systems and Intelligent Solution are combined to provide clients with cutting edge technology. Strategic alliances with leading technology providers across the world enhance our ability to exploit the latest technology to satisfy our clients needs...

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Technologies solution

State-of-the-art software and hardware, Innovative Systems and Intelligent Solution are combined to provide clients with cutting edge technology. Strategic alliances with leading technology providers across the world enhance our ability to exploit the latest technology to satisfy our clients needs...


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Urban Work solution

AIMS Techno provides Urban Planning works for Master Plan, DPR, City Sanitation Plans and for citywide sanitation sector development un- der Swachh Bharat Mission. Addressing technical and non-technical aspects of sani- tation services, city sanitation plans include the vision, missions, and goals of sanitation development as well as strategies to meet these goals.

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